Moscow Engineering and Physics Insitute

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Энциклопедия МИФИ > Moscow Engineering and Physics Insitute
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Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute
International name National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»
Former name Moscow Mechanical Institute of Munitions, Moscow Mechanical Institute, Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute
Established 23 November 1942
Unit type State University
President Boris Onyky
Chancellor (Rector) Mikhail Strikhanov
Approx. No. of students 8 671
Approx. No. of postgraduates 678
No. of professors employed 130
Teaching staff 936
Location Kashirskoye shosse 31 (near Kashirskaya metro station), Moscow, Russia
Mailing address Kashirskoye shosse 31, 115409 Moscow, Russia
Official website
Non-official website

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Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute is a Russian higher education organisation (formerly a State University), a division and the main site of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPHI".


[править] Administration

Chancellor (rector)Mikhail Strikhanov, tel. (499) 324-33-84, room Г-216-218.

Chancellor secretaryYulia Yakovleva, tel. (499) 324-97-40, fax (499) 324-8356, room Г-216-218.

Deputy chancellor (prorector)Anatoly Petrovsky, tel. (499) 324-89-77, room К-613.

Deputy chancellor (prorector)Oleg Nagornov, tel. (499) 324-32-55, room 203.

[править] General information

MEPHI is one of the leading Russian research universities, known for education and research in experimental and theoretical physics, engineering, and computer science. More recently, the range of disciplines taught at MEPHI expanded to include economics, management, international relations and law courses.

[править] Address

Address: Kashirskoye shosse 31, Moscow 115409, Russia.

Travel directions by public transit: Kashirskaya metro station, then one stop by:

  1. bus (routes 275, 280, 298, 738, 742) or trolleybus (route 71) — when exiting the metro station via its south exit;
  2. bus (routes 148, 263, 291, 299, 608, 709) or trolleybus (routes 11, 67) — when exiting the metro station via its north exit.

[править] Departments and chairs

[править] MEPHI Moscow campus (Kashirskoye shosse)

See more: MEPHI: buildings and structures

В комплекс зданий МИФИ входит 57 зданий и сооружений на территории в 19 гектар. Общая площадь учебно-лабораторных корпусов составляет более 96000 м2.

Институт имеет уникальную лабораторную базу, включающую исследовательский атомный реактор, нейтринный водный детектор бассейнового типа, ускорители заряженных частиц, аналитическую лабораторию и более 100 учебно-исследовательских лабораторий.

Общежития МИФИ ранее располагались в 5-этажных зданиях по всей Москве, но в 2005 году были сданы в эксплуатацию новые 24-этажные здания, представляющие современный комфортабельный гостиничный комплекс квартирного типа общей площадью более 60 000 м² по адресу: улица Москворечье, дом 2. Также часть кампуса расположена по адресу: улица Кошкина, дом 11, корпус 1

[править] Information for prospective students

MEPHI organises preparations courses of various duration aimed at high school students and also runs an extramural high school program. Apart from that, there are three high schools (lyceums) affiliated with MEPHI: School 1511, School 1523, and School 1547

  • Automated enquiry service: +7 (499) 324-84-00
  • More information for prospective students can be found here (in Russian).

[править] History

See also: key dates in the history of MEPHI

  • MMI renamed Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute on 27 October 1953

as the result of merger of the Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (having at the time the status of a State University) and several other higher and vocational education organisations located in different parts of Russia, on 8 April 2009.

[править] Символика института

Эмблемы, логотипы, значки МИФИ

[править] Ссылки

The Charter of MEPHI
